Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chest Inter Infection



The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that all children have the right at birth to a name and a document. This right wanted to be guaranteed a special way by the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, by a decree came out in February of 2009 entitled: 90/2009 which said that all children under 12 years could benefit to obtain the ID, even those children who were not enrolled in the Civil Registry.
This decree comes to light because many children throughout Argentina that have no national identity, ie, do not exist. Thus, the Argentine Government wants to ensure that these children exist, citizens are recognized and have your ID, open the right door to have rights, so these children are protected against trafficking and trafficking, sale, etc. This will ensure their protection. Well, being all this clear, the Province of Jujuy not sign the decree. President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner returned to perform an extension of that decree for a year, calling it: Decree 92/2010. Jujuy province at this point neither party signed , condemning and excluding thousands of children in the province of Jujuy not benefit from the decree.
What are the reasons argued by the Director of Civil Registry of Jujuy, Julio Daniel Ferreira to not sign the decree? According to the rumors that come from the people: "Because with this decree will benefit the families of undocumented Bolivian children, because this province, being in a border area, has that risk."
The truth is that I can not understand that these are the reasons. How can a province the right to deny a child? How can it be that the Governor, with all his ministers, their deputies, the Judiciary, not be able to see a less clear benefit for children under 12 years of the province of Jujuy?
I can not really understand and do not leave my amazement. I wonder if you know there is a program that also implemented the National Government called MERCOSUR and associated "based on the new Migration Law (25,871), by which foreign-and particularly the Bolivian-are filing and going to get your National ID. We at The Quiaca, as we have already Immigration Pastoral provided to be filed hundreds of Bolivian children (whole families). There is also the Decree 1601/2004, a benefit for foreign children or children of Argentine mothers / native as / as, through which they can obtain Nationalization (no need to settle) and Argentine / as by the bond with their parents. Do not understand how not signed a decree, saying it will benefit children
Bolivians ... Anyway, I think it's a shame that our Province of Jujuy self-excluded from a decree which benefits the rights of children with arguments in the category that I find very "suspect" and that all political power is not able to ensure the right to a name and a document to thousands of children in our province, leaving them open to situations of vulnerability.

Brother Manolo
Claretian Missionary Statement
Responsible for Immigration Pastoral
of the Prelature of Humahuaca.
The Quiaca. June 20 2010. Flag Day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Victorian Ladies Fashion

La lucha del NO AL BASURAL EN FCIO VARELA en imagenes...

Candidiase Foto Penis

Basural en Florencio Varela: Derogación de las ordenanzas + audiencia pública= maquillaje de una respuesta