Monday, November 23, 2009

Small Engine Forum Gear Reducer

Leonardo Boff at the climate conference in Copenhagen on climate change

"The Earth can no longer stand" Interview with Leonardo Boff . By Sergio Ferrari. (*) UN / Geneva. Switzerland

Q: Everyone talks about today's ecological problems experienced by the planet. You were one of the first, and in the years eighties, to alert on this issue. What is your analysis of the current environmental situation?

Leonardo Boff: There are many scientific indicators that point to the emergence of environmental and humanitarian tragedy. Nothing essential has changed since the drafting of the Earth Charter in 2003 we developed a group of persons worldwide. We said in that wonderful document, "We are at a critical moment of the Earth in which humanity must choose its future. And the choice is this: either promoting a global partnership to care for others and the Earth or risk our destruction and devastation the diversity of life. " "They consume more than the Earth supports"

Q: A blunt statement that does not accept terms based media How?

Boff: In the current confluence of three structural crisis. The crisis due to lack of sustainability of the planet Earth, the global social crisis, and the growing crisis of global warming.

Q: Can you illustrate this statement?

Boff: At the social level, almost half of humanity now lives below the poverty level. The figures are frightening. The richest 20% consumes 82.49% of all the wealth of the Earth and the poorest 20%, you have to make do with a tiny 1.6%. As for global warming, the FAO (UN Food) has warned that in the coming years there will be between 150 and 200 million climate refugees. The most dramatic forecasts speak of an increase for 2035 of 4 ° C. And there is speculation by the end of the century an increase of 7 ° C. If this actually occurs, no life can survive now known. Regarding the crisis of sustainability give an illustrative example: humanity is now consuming 30% more than the replacement capacity. Ie 30% more than Earth can replenish itself.

Q: But the world consumerist trend is not new ...

Boff: No. But what is new is the level of the deterioration accelerated. Studies of all credit in 1961 we needed half of the Earth to meet human demands. In 1981 he was a draw, that is needed and the entire Earth. In 1995 surpassed 10% replacement capacity, although it was still bearable. In 2008, we exceeded 30%. The Earth is showing unmistakable signs that he is thorough. "In some years it would take two Earths

Q: future prospects even more worrying?

Boff: If you keep the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) between 2-3% per year, as scheduled, in 2050 we would need two planets to provide response to consumption, which is impossible because we have only one.

Q: Does that require you to begin thinking in another paradigm of civilization?

Boff: Yes. We can not produce as we have done until now. The current model of production, the capitalist, part of the false presupposition that the earth is like a big trunk which can be removed indefinitely resources for profit with minimum investment possible in the shortest time. It is now clear that the Earth is a small planet, old and limited to not support a limitless exploitation. We need to go to another form of production and consumption patterns different take. Producing to meet human needs in harmony with the Earth, respecting the limits, with a sense of equality and solidarity with future generations. That is the new paradigm of civilization. Copenhagen: the influence of economic power.

Q: To return to today and here ... is done in a few weeks in Copenhagen Climate Conference. Are there prospects for an agreement?

Boff: A key premise. We must do everything possible to stabilize climate by preventing the warming is greater than 2 or 3 degrees and that life can continue. Realizing that it would imply that warming devastation of biodiversity and the holocaust of millions of people, whose territories will be more livable, especially in Africa and Southeast Asia. I am concerned, in that scenario, the irresponsibility of many governments, especially rich countries that want to establish consistent goals for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and save the climate. A true ecomiopĂ­a!

Q: That comes from a lack of political will to reach agreements?

Boff: Especially of a conflict of interest. Large companies, such as oil, do not want change because they would lose their huge profits today. You have to understand the interdependence of political and economic power. The great power is economic. The politician is an offshoot of economics. States, in many cases do not represent the interests of the people but of the major economic players.

Q: If a failure of Copenhagen, which would later stage in regard to the already serious climate?

Boff: In my opinion, if there is a political frustration, that can mean a huge challenge for civil society. To mobilize, press and promote the changes always come from below. I hope that: the reason, prudence, wisdom will come from civil society. It will also, in terms of climate, the main historical subject. No real change comes from above but from below. And despite the difficulty of this, I have confidence that it is a tragedy that will end badly but a crisis that purifies and let us take a leap in the direction of a better future.

Q: With a common agenda to save the Earth?

Boff: Driving a bio-civilization that will promote four key targets. Sustainable use, responsible and supportive of limited resources and services of nature. Democratic control of social relations, especially on market and speculative capital. A global minimum ethos must be born of cross-cultural exchange, emphasizing compassion, cooperation and universal responsibility. And spirituality, and anthropological dimension and not a monopoly of religion. Should be developed as an expression of consciousness feel part of a larger whole, which receives a powerful energy that represents the ultimate meaning of everything.


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