Monday, May 9, 2011

Inmate Locator San Quentin

Persecución judicial a luchadores populares en Misiones

The Federal Court of 1st Instance of El Dorado, by Dr. José Luis Casals, Miguel Angel Guerrero secretariat subpoena delivered on Saturday May 7 Ruben Ortiz, Anibal Zeretzki, Juan Carlos Di Marco, Alejandro Carballo and Jose Gomez, who will present on Wednesday May 11 to provide a statement from M 66 in the file open in 2009 by the roadblocks denouncing tareferos featuring hunger, slave labor conditions and demanded assistance the period of the inter crop. "for the file number that would open a new cause that year, but we have not seen the file ", said defense attorney Roxana Rivas social referents.

From Social Movement Mission, space to which they belong Ortiz and Di Marco, strongly repudiated the repressive policies of the provincial executive and the judiciary to choose the persecution of workers rather than to resolve social conflicts in the province are caused by hunger, lack of living wages, rates of unemployment, work in black and slave precarious.

"The governor Maurice Closs and provincial and federal justice had to acknowledge the problem of hunger and slave labor, whose complaint accompanied these social referents in each of the protests so it is doubly reprehensible the perverse criminalization of social protest centered on social activists who chose to express solidarity with the desperate cry of the most vulnerable, who chose not remain in a conspiratorial silence hundreds of children who fell daily on hunger, malnutrition and death ", stressed from the Social Missionary Movement.

further stressed that "it is striking that just moments before performing in a dialogue to be held in the Ministry of Human Rights on Monday 9 May to tratar la problemática docente, mesa de la que participará como representante del sector, Rubén Ortiz junto al Frente Gremial Docente, la justicia federal, un día sábado libre una orden para declaración indagatoria en un expediente que data del 2009. Es una clara muestra de que el poder apela a todas las instancias para amedrentar y violentar los espacios de dialogo conseguidos por los trabajadores con esfuerzo y apelando a modalidades de protesta a las que son empujados por la falta de respuestas a sus reclamos” .


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