Monday, August 30, 2010

How To Tie Double D Ring Belt


In this August will have received almost all the Alsa Magazine that we send to our house. Already we are getting used, but this number wanted to make a few remarks given and as we leave the cut that you attach to the left, which I have also underlined misinformed us.
This article is because of and in accordance with the Company s and inspections will increase . Well, as the guidelines that mark the Company are these, we dice. Who would be responsible, they attest to a conductor rigiese only by what we have in this magazine? DRIVER.
The paragraph in question and according to the company, says literally that must keep records of the current week and the previous fortnight . Mal. With all humility, we refer to this link Development Ministry, and I advise you to reread the article 26.
Anyway, that so many UG, as head of "contract" and therefore responsible vacated, the Committee is available to the Organization for any advice.
To pursue the subject of inspections by the Journal say we are going to increase, we will give them just a fact, though they know that we have saved hundreds like it.
The car 5890, has more than a month to cast BKB, so travelers do not see when the bus is about where it is headed. That same car, bearing the same time l a handicapped ramp not work and the car 5913, is assigned to a few lines, in which the BKB, no put the lines that makes . Anyway, when they want to give them more data, but if the inspections are through the Consortium, with only two coches ya tienen para unas cuantas sanciones, las cuales de verdad, no deseamos,pero la verdad es que alguna se merecen.
Para seguir con la segunda matización a la revista, agradecerles que de vez en cuando vayan sacando a conductores de la extinta Continental-Auto . Poco a poco. El primero fué Jesus Madriga l mientras le entregaban una placa conmemorativa, en la que se decia que como conductor más antiguo de Plaza de Castilla .Mentira.Jesús es antiguo, pero no el más antiguo y en esta última se premia a Arturo Martín , el cual se merece el premio a la profesionalidad como el que más, but from this Committee we would like to know criteria govern the drafting of the magazine, to give such particulars. Arturo deserves it, but surely there are a handful of colleagues who deserve it as much as him, so that's the question we have. What is the criteria? Perhaps we are very tiquis Miquis with the criteria , but we are used to know all the why of things.
Nothing but thank Candido photos sent to us from the last Fair Bus.


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